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“It caused some students to open up about how being able to claim one of these rights changed their lives.”

“The material is engaging and leaves a profound impact on the students.”

“I have noticed changes in the attitude and behavior of my students. It really touched their hearts and made them think and be more empathetic towards others.”

“It caused some students to open up about how being able to claim one of these rights changed their lives.”

“The material is engaging and leaves a profound impact on the students.”

“I have noticed changes in the attitude and behavior of my students. It really touched their hearts and made them think and be more empathetic towards others.”

The Bringing Human Rights to Life Education Package is designed to deter human rights abuse by teaching students everything they need to know about their rights. It’s engaging. It’s multimedia. You know what else? It’s free. Your education package includes:

  • The educator’s guide, a full semester’s worth of lesson plans, essays and homework assignments that invite participation. The curriculum is appropriate for postsecondary and adult education.
  • The award-winning documentary The Story of Human Rights and 30 Rights Brought to Life PSAs.
  • 24 copies of The Story of Human Rights, the companion booklet to the film.

The full printed curriculum is available to educators or, if you prefer, you can download the easy-to-use educator’s guide app. All free.

The Bringing Human Rights to Life Education Package is offered as an aid to educators who teach ages 17 and up in a classroom, lecture hall, group instruction, community learning or adult education setting.

It is expected that before requesting the full Bringing Human Rights to Life Education Package, you are oriented via our free information kit and DVD to the purpose of the materials and the scope of our educational programs. 

It is also presumed that you will provide reports that document results, such as faculty and student feedback, testimonials and pre- and post-program awareness, attitude and/or demeanor change.

If you do not conduct classes or group learning sessions, yet wish to raise awareness of human rights, we encourage you to sign up for our online human rights lessons, request our free DVD and information kit or request our human rights self-instruction materials.

TEACHERS WITH STUDENTS 16 AND YOUNGER, TAKE NOTE: The Youth for Human Rights Education Package is offered as an aid to educators who teach students ages 16 and younger in a classroom or group learning setting. Click here for information and to order.

If you need education packages for more than one teacher committed to delivering and documenting the program, please call +1 (323) 661-1144 to place such an order.