Exclusively for educators, human rights advocates and civil rights activists whose classroom, group instruction or community learning students are 18 years of age or older, this kit provides:
A DVD with an introduction to our worldwide human rights program; the award-winning educational film The Story of Human Rights; and 30 public service announcements depicting each of the articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The Story of Human Rights booklet, containing the full text of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the historical development of human rights.
A guide with actions you can take to bring about awareness and understanding of human rights, and so start making a difference.
One free kit per educator—includes free shipping. To receive your free kit, fill out the form to the right.
TEACHERS WITH STUDENTS 17 AND YOUNGER, TAKE NOTE: The Youth for Human Rights education package is offered as an aid to educators who teach students ages 17 and younger in a classroom or group learning setting. Click here for information and to order.
If you cannot, for any reason, honor the basic agreement to use this kit to teach human rights education in your area—and provide documentation of usage—United for Human Rights can, at the discretion of its officers, exercise the option to ask for shipping charges.